
We want to protect all our homes, our planet and our environment!

"What we do today decides what the world will look like tomorrow"
(Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)

We want to preserve biodiversity!

  • Managament of less prductive areas such as dry grasslands, rough and wet meadows, where a variety of grasses and herbs grow.
  • Permanent reseeding is not necessary because the hay-milk cows generate growth impulses to the plants through grazing.
  • The high density of plants requires less fertilizer.
  • Meadows are not mowed until a variety of grasses and forbs are in full bloom.
  • Mosaic management maintains suitable habitat for many animals such as bees and small game.
  • Planting flowering areas.
  • Planting orchards and old, regional apple varieties.
  • Retention of endangered farm animal breeds such as the Murnau-Werdenfelser cattle.
  • Keeping of bee colonies.


We take responsibility!

  • Healthy and vital hay-milk cows through species-appropriate feeding.
  • A high diversity of plants ensures nutrient-rich feed.
  • Our hay-milk cows are our most valuable asset - that`s why the welfare and health of our animals is our top priority.
  • High quality milk and dairy products due to aroma-rich fodder.
  • Hay-milk products are guaranteed GMO-free.
  • Sustainable use of grassland leads to high humus content in the soil, which allows enormous amounts of carbon dioxide to be stored, thus counteracting climate change.
  • Regional compensation of CO2: Targeted humus formation.
  • Certified environmental management system: EMAS III und ISO 14001:2015.
  • Requirements for proper waste separation at all sites.


We care for our habitat!


  • The management of the mountain areas prevents the spread of the forest, so the cultural landscape is preserved.
  • The high diversity of plants produced by the management of the green areas creates a deep-rooted carpet of grass that can prevent landslides.
  • Mowing and grazing create well-kept meadows with short vegetation that better retain snow.
  • Preservation of small-scale agriculture.
  • Management of mountain areas with steep slopes that require the use of special and costly machinery for harvesting.
  • Management of mountain areas with an extreme altitude despite a shortened vegetation period.


We are mindful of our resources!

  • The natural feeding of grass and hay provides hay-milk cows with the necessary protein.
  • Fewer foods such as cereals, soy and corn, which are also suitable for humans, are used as feed.
  • Local feed: dairy production with purchased feed increases the water footprint. Locally produced hay helps conserve water as a resource.
  • Use of alternative, renewable energy: Biomass heating plant using wood chips to generate heat, photovoltaic systems to generate electricity, use of electricity from 100% renewable sources at each operating site.
  • Wherever possible, water is recycled, e.g. CIP systems: Rinsing water is collected and used as prerinse water for the next cleaning.
  • Whey produced during cheese production is reused e.g. as feed for animals, biogas plants or for the food industry.


EMAS Certification

We want to contribute to keeping the earth livable for our descendants. Therefore, we want to pay even more attention to climate protection along the entire value chain and product life cycle, save resources and avoid emissions as much as possible. Therefore, we have decided to introduce the EMAS environmental management system for our main sites in addition to the ISO 14001:2015 certification.

Certification ISO 14001:2015

This international standard sets requirements for an environmental management system that enables an organization to improve its environmental performance, meet legal and other obligations, and achieve environmental goals. ISO 14001:2015 is implemented for our production facilities as well as in our sales stores.

ISO 14001 does not specify absolute requirements for environmental performance. To go one step further, we have decided to also certify our company according to EMAS lll.


Toghether with the European environmental management system EMAS (Eco-Managment and Audit Scheme), we can intelligently save resources. By certifying our company, we can contribute to environmental protection, save costs and demonstrate social responsibility. In addition, we ensure that all environmental aspects from energy consumption to waste and emissions are implemented in a legally compliant and transparent manner. EMAS is a voluntary instrument of the European Union and is open to all industries and company sizes, covers all requirements of DIN EN ISO 14001 and is applicable worldwide. EMAS certification takes place at our main operating sites in Prem and Steingaden.

Bunte Blumenwiese im Kleinwalsertal